Lourdes Pilgrimage 50 years on

Over 50 years ago Kerry Diocese decided to go on pilgrimage to Lourdes  to enable  assisted (sick) pilgrims visit the shrine.

This year is the 50th pilgrimage with assisted pilgrims (due to the pandemic assisted pilgrims were unable to travel some years).

This year is sort of a new beginning or restarting of the pilgrimage. The theme for this year in Lourdes is “come here in procession” which Our Lady asked St Bernadette.

As we return we need helpers, nurses and also the need to inform people (who need assistance) to join us in 2024. Daycare centres/nursing homes are invited to inform their service users who may wish to travel with us.

The collection for the Lourdes Helpers will be taken up as a second collection after communion  on the weekend of the 10th/11th February 2024.

The Pilgrimage has changed in many ways over the past 50 years but the main purpose is still the same, to take the sick to Lourdes and for this we need helpers. Many are students and thus require help to finance the trip. This collection goes towards that effort.

The Lourdes Helpers Fund also helps assisted pilgrims who may not be able to afford to pay the full fare and would like to go to Lourdes.