This Month

July/Iúil 2024

Holiday time…time to explore local wells, woods, beaches. Relax and avoid excessive travel or use public transport and give thanks for the wonderful place we live.

1st July/Iúil

St. Oliver Plunkett
“Blessed are those who suffer persecution for the sake of the Gospel”  Matt. 5:10

Action: Name a modern day martyr – get to know something about them.

4th July/Iúil

Independence Day USA
“I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the colour of their skin but by the content of their character”  Martin Luther King. Aug 28th 1963

Action: Wish a happy Independence Day to an American friend or tourist.

6th July/Iúil

Birthday of His Holiness, The Dalai Lama
“Love and compassion are the moral fabric of world peace”
Action: Allow your heart to be filled with the compassion and love of God and then you can share it with all creation. Pray especially for the people of Tibet.

9th July/Iúil

Anniversary of the Martyrdom of the BÁB (Baha’i)

The Báb was executed in Tabriz, Persia at noon in 1850.The Báb’s death is commemorated at noon with readings and prayers from Baha’i Scriptures.

Action: Pray for those suffering from religious persecution around the world today.            Consider a visit to the Baha’i Meditation Garden in Tralee, located in Patrick Pearse Park, Denny Street.

Note: The United Nations recognized the importance of freedom of religion or belief in the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights (Universal Declaration), Article 18 of which states “Everyone shall have the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion.

11th July/Iúil

St. Benedict, Patron of Europe“…love of neighbour is a path that leads to the encounter with God….closing our eyes to our neighbour also blinds us to God.” Pope Benedict   in Deus Caritas Est

Action: Consider the question “ To whom am I called to be a neighbour today?” ( See below under 31st July)


12th July/Iuil

Special Holiday, Northern Ireland
“Peace is the fruit of anxious daily care to see that each person lives in justice as God intends”.  Pope Paul VI

Action: Pray for all the people of Northern Ireland, that differences in culture may bring richness and diversity not division. Why not go and visit! Use the train!


31st July/Iúil

Feast of St Ignatius of Loyola, founder of the Society of Jesus (the Jesuits)The Jesuit Refugee Service (JRS) works “to accompany, to advocate and to serve the cause of refugees and forcibly displaced persons worldwide”

Action: Visit JRS Ireland   Reach out to those seeking International Protection/asylum seekers living in Direct Provision hostels and centres near you and to refugees now settled here from Kosovo to Syria and now of course those granted temporary protection from Ukraine. Consider being a volunteer! with local organisations working with in this area(KASI in Killarney or TIRC in Tralee)



The Season of Creation, in the Diocese of Kerry and in all dioceses, will be celebrated from 1 September – 4 October. I hope your parish will get involved, why not offer to help…now!

Information and Resources 









“We are all involved in the construction of a better world”  Pope Francis