Castletownbere Church Choir 50 years

Castletownbere Church Choir celebrates after a very busy year.

Mary O Connor updates us:

The group photo was taken 15th June at a Mass to celebrate more than 50 years singing for the glory of God. We remembered deceased members who sang beside us for many years.  Included are three founding members, namely, Phyllis O’Driscoll,  Rosarie Hanley and Davy Power, who have been with the choir since its inception. 

In May, the Choir  raised the impressive sum of €4150 for Cancer Connect. This was achieved by organising a Concert called Beara’s Got Talent.  This included two Choirs, pre-school and primary school children, Bearettes, traditional musicians, pianists, storytelling and poetry. There was a wealth of local talent.

Beara’s Got Talent Raises €4,150 for Cancer ConnectA Community Concert, named “Beara’s Got Talent” was held in the Church of the SacredHeart in Castletownbere on Sunday May 19th as a fundraising event in aid of Cancer Connect.It was a wonderful night of entertainment with performances from Castletownbere SacredHeart Choir, The Friends Forever Playschool graduates 2024, the Scoil and Chroí Ró Naofachoir that will be taking part in the National Children’s Choir in 2025, The Beara Singers,The Bearettes, traditional musicians and 2 sibling pianists. There was also storytelling andpoetry.  It was a marvelous display of community-wide and inter-generational collaborationfor a wonderful and well-appreciated cause.It was a donation only event and an incredible €4,150 was raised for Cancer Connect, whichis a reflection not only of the generosity of the community, but the esteem in which thisincredible service and their team of voluntary drivers are held.Back Row: Brendan O Driscoll, Moira Duncan, Deirdre Minihane, Volunteer driver for Cancer Connect, Marese O Driscoll, Front Row: Helen O Driscoll, Denis O Shea Volunteer Driver, Marlene Fitzpatrick, Marie O Connor, Mary O Connor, , Suzanne McCloskey and Michael Downey, Picture: Anne Marie Cronin Photography