
St. John’s Church Ballybunion 

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Fr. Sean Hanafin


Geraldine O’Connor


Mon, Wed, Fri 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.

TEL: 068 27102

SACRISTAN: Annemarie Breen.

LIVE MASS BROADCAST via our Facebook Page: St. Johns Parish Ballybunion

Click here for Fr. Seán’s Sunday message:

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Jesus is the light of the Nations
Simeon, the old Man, whom Mary and Joseph met in the Temple when they presented the Child Jesus.  Simeon declared Jesus, to be the light who would bring the world out of darkness. Simeon is saying to us how we are enlightened by Christ, that flame of faith was lit within us at the time of our Baptism. We are invited to continue to help all those who are a part of our world, to see clearly the God who loves them.  So many people live in darkness and fear and doubt. Please be a light for them to dispel this darkness.



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Ballybunion Parish statement 

Wishing you all a joyful and peaceful Christmas

Fr. Seán Celebrates Golden Jubilee

I was one of five young men ordained on June 9th 1974 in Our Lady and St Brendan’s Church Rock Street in Tralee. So in the past 50 years I have been blessed to be part of so many people’s lives. 

The Good Shepherd


A Descriptions of God


Love of God and Love of Neighbour.

All are Welcome in God’s Kingdom





The Cross of Jesus 


Corpus Christi




Gifts of the Holy Spirit



Feast of the Ascension 

Promise of the Spirit 

The Rose Window



Doubting Thomas 


Easter Day

Passion Sunday 


Love your Enemies

The Bible

The Bible is read at every gathering of Christians. It inspires the community to live like Jesus.

The Apostles with Jesus 

The Baptism of Jesus 





Giving Thanks


Love and Kindness are never wasted……..Liam O’Flaherty–

Teach us to Pray.

God is Near 




Love One Another 

The message or theme of The Gospel is the teaching of Jesus ‘love one another’.


Listen to the Voice of Jesus



The light of the Paschal Candle.



Human Dignity 


Life is Fragile 

Let your voice be heard 

Allow Peace to Break out.

Blessed are the Poor.

”Lord I am not worthy”

God’s Word


The Baptism of Jesus 

 ‘This is my Son in whom I am well pleased’ 


God becoming human made all humans equal. 

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Renovation cost €2.2 million. We ask locals and visitors  to contribute and also to encourage family and friends at home and abroad.



Purple is the colour dominating Churches during Advent. Vestments, Candles and Banners are all in Purple. 

The Advent Wreath


The Advent Wreath is set up in the Church to help us count off the weeks to Christmas, the coming of the Light (Jesus) into the world. The Pink Candle on the Advent Wreath symbolises the Joy of God as God’s people turn to God in trust.

Painting of Pope John Paul II

Carmel McCarron R.I.P. painted this image of Pope John Paul II in 1988.This beautiful painting now hangs in the Sacristy of Ballybunion Church as part of the Church’s heritage.

Red Banners and Confirmation.

Red Banner


The Remembrance Tree.

The Remembrance Tree

Praying for the dead is one of our strongest customs, especially during the month of NovembeR.

First Holy Communion 


The 1st Communion ceremonies are a significant moment in the lives of the children. It’s recognised as special by the school community, the children’s family and by the parish community.

The draw of the lit candle to prayer.

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Church Restoration

The historic St. John’s Catholic Church (1897) in Ballybunion was beautifully restored at a cost of €2.2 million in 2014. Any donation to help us reduce our current debt of €592,524 would be most welcome.

Wall plaque near Our Ladies Altar












Church Stained Glass Windows:

The Holy Family


St. Stephen and St. Michael.
St. Elizabeth and St. Thomas
The Sacred Heart of Jesus and Sr. Mary Alacoque
St. Hubert





St. Brendan
St. Ita

The Rose Window




Fr. Sean Hanafin P.P.
 The Presbytery
 Church Rd.
 Ballybunion, Co Kerry
 Tel: 068 27102, Fax: 068 27153  e:mail:




St John’s Church, Ballybunion 10.00 am Mon, Wed and Friday


7.00 p.m. 11.30 a.m. As announced


VIGIL MASS :  Saturday Vigil Mass at  7 p.m.

Sunday Morning:  11.30 a.m. Mass