Dr Catherine McCormack has run training with teachers and principals in the diocese of Kerry and has been a guest on Horizons many times over the last number of years. She will be a guest again on Horizons over the next few weeks as she tells about the findings of the recently published GRACE project.
Last month saw the publication of a series of reports (six), entitled Identity and Ethos in Catholic Primary and Secondary Schools in Ireland: Exploring the Attitudes and Behaviours of Stakeholders, following the most comprehensive piece of research into the ethos of Catholic primary and secondary schools in Ireland since the foundation of the state.
The body of research, which includes feedback from 4,000 members of Boards of Management, Principals and Teachers in Catholic schools, was undertaken by a team of academic researchers, based at Mary immaculate College (MIC) and the Mater Dei Centre for Catholic Education (Dublin City University), as part of the Global Researchers Advancing Catholic Education (GRACE) project, with the aim of establishing a clear baseline and a set of signposts for the advancing of Catholic education at primary and secondary levels in the Republic of Ireland.
To read in detail the findings click