This is an exhibition currently on show in the Cathedral in Killarney. It is a touring exhibition featuring some special people who have done major work to improve the lives of others.
introduction from the artist sara Kyne:
My name is Sara Kyne .I am a professional artist living in Co Galway .
Over the last few years I have come across many fine people who are making the world a better place for others. They are represented in this collection of portraits.
This project is my small way of honouring these people and hopefully drawing others to read about them and if they feel inspired to do so to make a donation directly to their charity.
Through the years I have seen the goodness and kindness of many people who have less interest in material things or monetary gain but instead are motivated to help those who suffer through sickness, poverty, homelessness, addiction and loneliness. These dedicated people swim upstream against the current of materialism. Helping others is their goal and purpose in life. So often we read only bad news stories and one would be misled into thinking that our society is indeed complacent and indifferent to the problems of others. Many movies and novels are taken up with tales of horror and violence. I think the work of these fine people is indeed good news for they are bettering the lives of others.
There are many more organisations in Ireland and many more great people working for others. These portraits are just some of the people that I personally came across in recent years.
The goal of this project is to raise money for charities
The portraits will be displayed to honour the people and create an awareness of the work they do .I would hope that perhaps this would be an inspirational exhibition, which could be shown in a few different locations, throughout the country. Each portrait will be displayed with information about the charities so that people viewing them may learn about them and perhaps contribute directly to a charity of their choice.
Hopefully the portraits will generate some interest. Eventually the portraits will be sold or auctioned with all proceeds to be donated to charity.
Portrait List: Dimensions in inches Work
Fr Adrian Crowley 36×24 Cenacola
Alice Leahy 24×20 Director of Alice Leahy Trust
Antoinette Moynihan 24×20 Cote
Alva Fitzgerald and Helen O Shea 22×26 L’Arche
Dr Austin O Carroll 26×18 Physician inner city Dublin
Caitriona Twomey 24×20 Cork Penny Dinners
Christine Noble 28×20 Christine Noble Foundation
Sister Consilio Fitzgerald 28×18 Cuan Mhuire
Senator Joan Freeman 24×16 Pieta House
John Pridmore 28×22 Evangelist and Counselor
Brother Kevin Crowley 24×20 Capuchin Day Centre
Friar Lawrence Schroedel 20×24 Social Worker Moyross
Mary Nally 24×14 Third Age
Milo Mc Carthy 24×20 Busker for charity
Niall Johnson 24×20 CEO for Croi Heart Foundation
Fr Peter Mc Verry 28×18 Peter Mc Verry Trust
Fr Shay Cullen 22×16 Preda
Sr Stan Kennedy 28×22 Focus Ireland
Dr Steve Collins 28×20 Valid Nutrition
Patricia Friel, 22×18 Mary’s Meals
Delores Dugan and Attracta Canny 26×16 Hope House