Streamed Mass from

St Peter and St Paul Ballyduff
The Parish Office is open in Ballyduff Tuesday to Friday 10.30am to 1pm.
Closed on Bank Holidays and Holy Days.
Phone 066 7148404 for all bookings. Masses, Weddings, Christenings, or any Church event. The Parish Office is located to the right of the Church as you approach from the Main Street.
Baptisms… Are at 1.30pm on the first Saturday of each Month in Causeway and the third Saturday of each Month in Ballyduff.
If you are new to our Parish Community, and would like to find out more about us please feel free to contact us. You can be assured of a warm, friendly welcome. We would love to hear your ideas on how to better our Parish or you might like to get involved as a reader of the word, Minister of the Eucharistic, or as a member of our Pastoral Council. Call us during the above Office hours.
Parish Reps : Safeguarding Children. Diocesan Designated Officer. Jim Sheehy. 087 6362780.
CLICK HERE to view live Mass in Causeway st. John’s Church
CLICK HERE to view live Mass in Ballyduff Church St Peter and St Paul
Fr. Gerard Finucane P.P., |
The Presbytery, Causeway, Tralee |
Co. Kerry |
Tel: 066-7131148 |
Mobile: |
e.mail: causeway@dioceseofkerry.ie |
St John the Baptist, Causeway | As announced | 6.30pm. Jan, Mar, May, July, Sept, Nov. | 11am. Feb, Apr, June, Aug, Oct, Dec. | As Sunday unless otherwise announced. |
St Peter and St Paul, Ballyduff | As announced | 6.30pm. Feb, Apr, June, Aug, Oct, Dec. | 11.00am. Jan, Mar, May, July, Sept. Nov. | As Sunday unless otherwise announced |
Eucharistic Adoration. Every Thursday. Causeway Church 10.30am to 11.30am. Every Wednesday Ballyduff Church 10.30am to 11.30am.
Confessions. As announced.